Keep everyone together on campus and enjoy privacy for yourself.
Lodging Options
Lutheridge offers a variety of lodging options from hotel style rooms to full cabins for a family. Your family and friends who prefer private rooms will have a quiet place to themselves and big families can all stay together. Some facilities have kitchenettes. Once your guests arrive they can remain on campus throughout all your celebrations.
Kohnjoy Inn
Kohnjoy Inn is closest to Whisnant Chapel and features 16 rooms with queen-sized beds. Sit together in the cozy lounge or rock on the porch and relax as you wait for the celebration to begin.
Thornburg Hall
Thornburg Hall is closest to the Faith Center and features more than 30 rooms with various sleeping options, from single rooms to a larger family room. Each floor has a gathering area where wedding party members prepare for the celebration.
Lakeside Cabins
Along the lake, there are 6 individual cabins, each featuring a kitchenette and two large sleeping rooms. The Lakeside Pavilion and outdoor worship area are closest to the cabins.